
NS life 2

Trough this few months I knew more knowledge about Malay and their religion. I can speak Malay more fluently after this few months too.
Actually there’s some more activity besides above like presentation of Malay traditional poem and dance, blood donation, religion lesson (we went to temple and prayed every week), KTV, watching movie (we watched “Ah boy to men”,LOL)  stimulating of election etc.
The life during NS was funny. There was something more I think you guys more interested in.
First things is whether we can bring hand phone or not. Answer is yes. We can bring hand phone to the camp but our trainee will collect our phone and give us back at Friday’s night and then collect it at Sunday’s night.
Second things is whether parent can visit us? Answer is yes. Our parent can visit us every Sunday. For my case my parents can come to my camp and bring me some food or snack.
Third things is some MALAY can see some dirty thing, is it truth? Answer is yes. For my case, the second day after I lived at camp, the MALAY girl had gotten something into her. She screamed and cry, she exactly don’t know who she was, what she was doing. So that, all of the girls were required to wash our pads when our period. How to wash? If you wonder, try it out for yourself.
Fourth things is if the served meal tasty. For my case, all of the meal the canteen prepared for us was tasty. Sometime got some fly it didn’t matter. 6 meals per day. And you can buy some snacks, there will be a stall selling such stuffs. I gained so much weight since im out from ns. Gained around 4kg! Omg!! Im so fat!(via SHAK).
The final question is any bf gf thing happened? Yes~Many~
There's a news that a prisoner escape from prison, trainee as us be careful make girls worried a  lot.

First time donate blood


