
NS life 1

            3 April 2013 I took part in national service of Malaysia. It took time 3 months. My register period was 1 April to 8 April because I postponed NS one year so there was some different among the other trainees and me. When I registered at the camp, actually the training started 4 days already.
            My camp's name is KEM PLKN PADANG HIJAU, it is a beautiful NS camp.
            The experience at NS was unforgettable. I believe that I will never have a chance again to stay with a huge group of stranger together and then everyday you will keep closer and closer to each other finally they become your buddy. When we stayed at the camp we had to help each other and left no man behind.
            Our module is split into 4 official modules:
1.     Physical Module: Marching, hand to hand combat, Colt M16 usage, obstacle courses, abseiling, Flying Fox, canoeing, camping, survival training and first aid training
2.     Nation Building Module: classroom based. Nation’s history sovereignty and dignity, Malaysia and international affairs etc.
3.     Character building module (bringing out the best in me and bringing out the best in others)
4.     Community service module

                On top of that, we had to learnt how to be independence, we had to tidy up our dorm, how to get along to our buddy who are different race with you, how to solve our problem, to be discipline and followed the instruction.The most important thing was we had to learn how to wash our cloths with our hand.
First time i wear baju kurung, without tudung


The day we left camp.

