
NS life 1

            3 April 2013 I took part in national service of Malaysia. It took time 3 months. My register period was 1 April to 8 April because I postponed NS one year so there was some different among the other trainees and me. When I registered at the camp, actually the training started 4 days already.
            My camp's name is KEM PLKN PADANG HIJAU, it is a beautiful NS camp.
            The experience at NS was unforgettable. I believe that I will never have a chance again to stay with a huge group of stranger together and then everyday you will keep closer and closer to each other finally they become your buddy. When we stayed at the camp we had to help each other and left no man behind.
            Our module is split into 4 official modules:
1.     Physical Module: Marching, hand to hand combat, Colt M16 usage, obstacle courses, abseiling, Flying Fox, canoeing, camping, survival training and first aid training
2.     Nation Building Module: classroom based. Nation’s history sovereignty and dignity, Malaysia and international affairs etc.
3.     Character building module (bringing out the best in me and bringing out the best in others)
4.     Community service module

                On top of that, we had to learnt how to be independence, we had to tidy up our dorm, how to get along to our buddy who are different race with you, how to solve our problem, to be discipline and followed the instruction.The most important thing was we had to learn how to wash our cloths with our hand.
First time i wear baju kurung, without tudung


The day we left camp.

NS life 2

Trough this few months I knew more knowledge about Malay and their religion. I can speak Malay more fluently after this few months too.
Actually there’s some more activity besides above like presentation of Malay traditional poem and dance, blood donation, religion lesson (we went to temple and prayed every week), KTV, watching movie (we watched “Ah boy to men”,LOL)  stimulating of election etc.
The life during NS was funny. There was something more I think you guys more interested in.
First things is whether we can bring hand phone or not. Answer is yes. We can bring hand phone to the camp but our trainee will collect our phone and give us back at Friday’s night and then collect it at Sunday’s night.
Second things is whether parent can visit us? Answer is yes. Our parent can visit us every Sunday. For my case my parents can come to my camp and bring me some food or snack.
Third things is some MALAY can see some dirty thing, is it truth? Answer is yes. For my case, the second day after I lived at camp, the MALAY girl had gotten something into her. She screamed and cry, she exactly don’t know who she was, what she was doing. So that, all of the girls were required to wash our pads when our period. How to wash? If you wonder, try it out for yourself.
Fourth things is if the served meal tasty. For my case, all of the meal the canteen prepared for us was tasty. Sometime got some fly it didn’t matter. 6 meals per day. And you can buy some snacks, there will be a stall selling such stuffs. I gained so much weight since im out from ns. Gained around 4kg! Omg!! Im so fat!(via SHAK).
The final question is any bf gf thing happened? Yes~Many~
There's a news that a prisoner escape from prison, trainee as us be careful make girls worried a  lot.

First time donate blood



Roommate and Instant noodle

Angie and me

My roommate is a Indonesia girl,she came from Bali. Her name is Angie. I'm appreciated that i have such a roommate. She is a little bit fat but looks cute, major in fashion design and love to play The Sims. She always playing computer until midnight and only do her homework after I slept. She allows me turn off the light when I want to sleep and she won’t disturb me but sometimes she will scream and laughing out loud. She always keep our room clean, at least she won’t let our room becomes smelly and infested with cockroach. Most of the day, I spent my time with her, we always go to “dabao” meal together and sometimes we share our fruits and snacks. She love chocolate but I don’t dare to eat too much even she treat me. I still remember when the first day we stay together, the first question she asked was : would you I to have chocolate? I have lot. Bugis junction got discount.
       Last Sunday, she back from Indonesia. That day morning she texted me and asked for my help cause she brought back lot of thing. When she reached our apartment that was already 1.39 am. She called my phone told me that she reached, I went down from room. This is the present that she brought for me cause last week when I watched the TV program according to the survey most people feel that the instant noodle of Indonesia is the most delicious one so I asked her brought me some.
         After I tested all of the flavor, the original mi goreng is the best. 

The noodles



Lackin Bus station

The dinner my parents prepared.

  Last week I brought a big school bag attended the creative thinking class, my friend wondered why I brought that. Well there was four consecutive public holiday, I definitely choose going back to my home sweet home. Right after the creative thinking class, I rushed to the Queen Street bus terminal. On the way, two of my classmate wanted to go back to Malaysia too but I refused to go back with them cause they wanted to having lunch first. Even the day was very hot and the skin liked burnt, I felt exited. I would like to reach home as soon as possible.
         When I stayed at the Larkin bus station, I have to wait 45 minutes for the bus. There was so many people, I thought most of them liked me. So this picture I captured it at Larkin bus station. Before I reached the bus stand nearby my house, my father already there. After that, father and mother stayed at kitchen together preparing a hearty dinner for us. What a harmony scene. I love my family.
         The day I left for Singapore, my mom told me that : Mummy is useless, you just stay at Singapore for studybut sometimes tear just trickled down on cheek. 
              Actually, I have the same problem as you, mum.



 This is the church nearby my hostel. When I go to ART FRIEND, I will pass by there. Every time when I go through this church I will slow down my step and watch at it. It is a nice scenery in this hustle and bustle country. A tranquil and serenity place.
 There is always a tent nearby the backdoor of the church. Sometimes, some people gathering at there, having tea and chatting . I always think that it must be a nice tea time for them.
         For any religious places either temple, churches or mosques, I always uphold a kind of solemn attitude when I stay at those sacred place where people praying and waiting for salvation. I do not believe in any religion but didn’t despise any religion. Religion is most people’s spiritual support. They believe their god, they survive, they can go through all the hard times.
         A funny thing. One day, as usual, some people gathering there too. When I passed by, the door of a room that behind those people was opened. I wondered what’s inside the room. I took a look. Hmm…okay…a big misunderstanding. There’s not a tea time, there’s a funeral ceremony.