

          Some of my friend they love to go gym,love to have muscle.Sometimes they will sent me their photo to show off their muscle.They asked me why I never work out. Actually the answer is quite simple, I am lazy.Once I show this photo for them and said that if I becomes this if you guys love it?hahahaha...I strongly support them go to gym,cause a fit guy is attractive and good for health also.


Thread and nails---Angelina Jolie

This is our 2D fundamental a0 project.I hope that you know she is Angelina Jolie. This portrait we make it with thread and nails.This is my research for the project.At the very first time we try out at a a3 board, it is quite easy to do.However,when we start doing our a0, we feel wanna killing ourselves.It is very annoying and complicated! Can't use the thread which is too thick, how to make the gray tone,etc...those are the problems that we had to work out.We spent more than 24 hours to done it. I love this artwork very much and I'm glad that our group member is very cooperate.

Assemblage sculpture.

Assemblage is an artistic process. In the visual arts, it consists of making three-dimensional or two-dimensional artistic compositions by putting together found objects. During our 3D lesson we have one period have to make some assemblage sculpture.However,our lecturer only allows us use one stuff deconstruct and reconstruct it so i have no chance to make a sculpture like those pictures above.I prepare some materials already,just have to find a good day to make it. Actually if I make this I hope it can help me for my module,but it is not.Our 3D lesson has too many restrict for that topic.I am not happy with that.

My sister who is sitting for exam

I am very closed with my sister.Even I came singapore for further study make us seldom stay together but we always chat at LINE.Recently my sister is taking her final exam for junior high school. She just like her sister,me,when preparing for the exam we put our text books and notes everywhere.This coming month will be very tough for her cause she have to take 3 exam for the whole month.She said she was going crazy,but I told her I did what she do now.Be strong as me.Hopefully she can score.


After I graduated from secondary school, I took a part time job.Since I don't  have homework,I had lots of time can learn how to baking.I never baking before that cause I was busy all of the time. Last year my aunt presented  me an oven so that I can bake at home whenever I like. The cupcake is apple favor ,my mummy like it the most as it is less sugar with fresh apple. The tiger skin swiss roll is very easy to do,it is amazing after I know how to make it. Baking is fun for me. Baking is not just mix all of the ingredient together then put it into the oven then it will be a delicious cake,it needs lots of experience to make a nice cake.

A park of Auckland

This is a photo that my mother captured it when we travelled at New Zealand.This is a park in Auckland.There's a lake, many tree, black and white swan. My antie's friend brought us there and bought us bread for feeding those swan. That's my first time feeding black swan.It was very funny because I love to chase the swan go back to the lake from the ground. This is a very nice place for a family to spend a weekend.I love such a place because even Auckland is capital of New Zealand but besides those building, there's a very nice place allow us to relax ourselves.

My neighbour Totoro

My neighbor Totoro is is a 1988 Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli. I never watch this film before but recently when I look at my friend's artwork about Japan, she drew Totoro. That time I thought why don't I download it also. After I watched this film,I found that actually the story is not very attract me but the bond between the two sisters is quite touched because I do have a sister also and when we were younger we had some similar experience also.

First time took part in a piano competition

This is a picture that my piano teacher capture for me when I practice for a international piano competition.I can say that this is my first performance and also the last performance.That time my teacher asked me took part in the competition actually I decline it immediately, but after that my teacher pursued me and gave me courage so that I decided took part in that competition.I knew that I was not a good pianist at all of the time. However I did have to want a memory of performance no matter it was good or bad. The day I was quite nervous.The performance was not perfectly good but that was a very nice experience for me.


         She is Cecil, my housemate. With a bloody red hair, exactly look like an animate character.She is a student of NAFA also,very love to sharing. Every night she will knock our room's door at least three time to share what she found online or what she draw or complained about her roommate.She is very good in english but my english is very poor, so most of the time I cannot understand what she talk to me so that I have no reaction most of the time. She did tell my roommate that I am always calm,the thing is...I am not always calm....I have zero reaction is because of my poor english!


Creative Idea always make our life more interesting.As illusion, it is amazing. The very first time I related with illusion was when I was starring on a mosaic then I found that I can see some figure on it.Sometimes can be flower, human figure,monster,irregular shape, etc. I obsesses with geometry figure as I found that it is amazing to create some simple but beautiful things just with shapes and line.


Animal lover.


This is my sister and mother. They love dogs, puppies, cats and kittens. My sister is a animal lover,she love dogs and cats the most.Day after day,my father and mother are influenced by my sister.Everyday whenever they see cats or dogs they will take video or picture for my sister. Our neighborhood have lots of dogs and cats.Every evening they will spent some time on playing with the dogs and cats.Mummy always feed them. Mummy and sister give every dog that they know a name. Sometimes my sister will show me some photo of dogs or cats then ask me their name. I'm quite sorry about that cause I can't remember their names.Yeah..but I love puppy.

Drawing on black paper

This is one of the homework of drawing fundamental.My very first time sketching on a black paper. At first I found it was very hard to do by using a pastel to draw but when my classmate and I were doing the homework that we found that actually we can use white color pencil instead of only use pastel.A black background actually bring a more interesting light effect for the painting. The puppy painting is the very first drawing and I love it the most.


Joss paper as material

            Since I came NAFA, I found that I can use any materials to make my sculpture. Last time I used the bottom of the vegetable, this time I use joss paper. When I bought the joss paper actually I am worried about if I might get trouble for myself, but I still use it. As an art student shouldn't hesitate upon these problems.Well, when my housemate saw me doing this, she said that if I made our house haunted, she will kill me. I burst into laughter.


Gong cha

    Yesterday my friend said that he wanna buy Gongcha and asked me waited him until he done his project then we went to dhoby ghaut together. However when he finished his project it was around 10pm already. Just now right after I had my dinner,I did feel wanna grabbed a milk tea with pearl. So I straight take mrt go to dhoby ghaut. Actually I don't really need people accompany me to do everything. I can go to watch movie alone just like my mummy too.


A book from library.

         This is a comic that I seeking for a long time already. I found this at national library of singapore. However,I am a foreign. If I want to become a member I have to pay $50+. I don't have extra money can pay for the fees eventually I just read the book in library. Why not? Those books worth me spend my whole afternoon in library. That day I felt happiness. Besides this books, I found some Chinese novel and poem also. Reading is one of my hobby,I feel very happy when I reading books.

Harith Iskandar

Harith Iskandar is a comedy talk show performer. He is the only Malay performer that I know. Last time when I surf Facebook,there's a link talk about the different between police Malaysia and police US.It is that time I search his name on youtube find out more interesting video about his show.Then I follow his page on Facebook. These two picture is very nice captured. His son is very handsome as Harith Iskandar's mother is a British. 


My idol: Lady gaga

       This is Lady gaga. Lady gaga is my idol. She is a singer,a song writer and a artist at the same time as well. She is well known not only because of her song but also her performance.She always have a nice make up let her looks so beautiful. I love her music so I would like to share her music for the closest person that I love therefore I always play her song for mummy and my sister.Some of my friend don't like her but I won't force whoever to love what I love. An idol for me is to learn the best thing from her or them and then improve myself at the same time too.

I am for u

         I am for you is one of the theme song to popularize the slogan of 1 MALAYSIA. 1 MALAYSIA  is an on-going program designed by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak on 16 September 2010, calling for the cabinet, government agencies, and civil servants to more strongly emphasise ethnic harmony, national unity, and efficient governance. During the NS training of malaysia, every time before our trainee gave us introduction, they will say: salam sejahtera, salam perpaduan and salam 1 Malaysia! Then we will raise our hand answer MALAYSIA BOLEH.



         Since I came Singapore, I always teach my sister Maths through LINE. Every time when she meet any problem she will just send me the picture then I solve the question and send to her. Actually I am quite worried about her cause her exam is in the corner and if she cannot score her major, she might very sad.Last time when she took the government exam of the final year of primary school, I got 4As but she only got 3As.After she came back home,she cried for two days.However I cannot deny that sometimes I'm quite lazy to solve those question cause I'm too tired then I will just ask her figure it out for herself ! Hahahahaha! Actually,I roommate and friend always laugh me that even I stay at singapore I still have to help my sister.One thing they didn't know is I really enjoy it as Maths is my favorite subject.


           It has been 83 days already since I came Singapore for study. I have to admit that sometimes I really miss my family.I still remember the first day I came Singapore, mummy and daddy just put down my luggage then straight said goodbye and went back to Malaysia.The first week when I went to school and stayed at hostel with my roommate, I seldom talk cause I cannot adapt the new environment yet.After fews more day, I met lots of friend. They really treat me so good,especially my classmate May,Shak and Sufy. Whenever I need help I just text them, they will definitely help me and when I say thankyou to them they always say NO PROBLEM!!! It is really touched. I came here alone, from I have no friend to now I have lots of friend and they treat me so good, I glad that.




                               This is the latest book cover of the ABRSM piano exam book. I learnt piano since I was five years old. I just like piano, so that mummy let me take the piano lesson. When I was 7 years old,that is the first time I took part in ABRSM piano exam, Grade 1.Everytime I stay at the waiting room for the exam,I always feel nervous as the first time.Learning piano need a lot of patient and passion.After I came Singapore, I never have chance to play piano again. So when I go back to Malaysia, I cherish every chance that I can play my piano. I'm not very love piano and can play it well, but I love to play those song that I know.

My sister and pets

       My sister is a animal lover. Actually, she just love cats and dogs. Everyday when she come back from school she always take a  few minutes go out and play with our neighbour's dogs. Sometimes our house will come some cats and my sister will feel very exited and even take picture of the cat nonstop then show us during the dinner time. Time after time, my father and mother love cats and dogs like my sister also. Those cats and dogs they always play with them will have their own name. This is very sweet. I'm glad that my sister has such nice childhood memories.


        When the day before mid-autumn- festival,I grabbed my roommate went there with me. Sometimes she just like my sister already, we spent most of our time together. So that's the first time I took the purple line MRT to somewhere. When we exchange the line at Dhoby Gauht ,we nearly lose our way. When we reached chinatown I asked if my roommate knew where to go was the best choice, she said she thought I did research already.So when we came out from MRT station, we just walked around blindly. Actually it was quite boring. After that we still went back to Bras Basah and bought food from the food court nearby our hostel.

The old street

      There is a street at my home town with old shops. Those shops were built by 1940s,now those shops will be demolished so people organize a small festival for nostalgia. There's some store sold foods and drinks, some game's and exhibition of the recycle material sculpture. The door of those shops were drawn by the students of my secondary school. Next time when I go back again, there will be empty already. That's way lots of people attend the festival. Taking the last chance to see the old shops.

A old tree on the street
The roots of the old tree

The snakes and ladders

The introduce of each old shops

The old street and me.

Coins and coffee

       This morning when I cleaned up my desk and I found that there's some coins on my desk.I wonder why there's some coins cause I remember all of my money supposed to be stayed in my wallet or other people's wallet.
      Well, just now my housemate knocked my door and come in asked for instant coffee. I gave her, she paid me 1 dollar and said : it is nice, you give me instant coffee, i paid for you, i don't have to go down and spend $1.50 for a cup of coffee. After that she said that when I went back to Malaysia, she took my instant coffee, and put money on my desk.As my roommate never told me that, no wonder my desk got  unknown coins! 


A town with blooming tree

      Yesterday I went back to Malaysia. It is the blossom season of my hometown. All of the tree are abloom in a variety of color as sakura. These tree will blossom twice per year. They make my town becomes romantic. I have no idea since when I home town have such many this kind of tree but it is so amazing.This beautiful view reminds me a poem that I love the most. It was written by a Chinese Author.

       A Blooming Tree
  May Buddha let us meet
  in my most beautiful hours,
  I have prayed for it
  for five hundred years.
  Buddha made me a tree
  by the path you may take,
  In full blossoms I’m waiting in the sun
  every flower carrying my previous hope.
  As you are near, listen carefully
  the quivering leaves are my waiting zeal,
  As you pass by the tree
  without noticing me,
  My friend, upon the ground behind you
  is not the fallen petals but my withered heart.    

Garden by the bay

       These photos were captured by 9 September 2013. It was a windy and cloudy day. My friend text me and asked me go to garden by the bay. I was glad that he bring me there and treat me a free ticket.

      Cloud forest was the greatest part that we had been at garden by the bay. Enter the Cloud Forest, a mysterious world veiled in mist. A 35-metre tall mountain covered in lush vegetation shrouding the world’s tallest indoor waterfall showcases plant life from tropical highlands up to 2,000-metres above sea level.
Sufy and I.
The indoor waterfall.

When we sky walk, he always leave me behind. He totally forget that I'm afraid of height .

          Step into the Flower Dome and we were standing in awe of nature. My friend said that the Dazzling Changing Flower Display just like a place of fairy tale. One of the flowers really looks like a fairy.

The fairy look flower
The dazzling changing flower display.